Sunday, March 7, 2010

March 2010

A lot of exciting things happened the last month. We started sundayschool at Victory church with 7 children and it is still growing.

We have a special Praise Service on valentine's day. Here we thank God for His love on valentine's day the focus is not on romantic love, But God's love.

Very hot at the moment on the island, little children swim in the main street of Thongsala to cool down.

World Women's Prayer Day on 5 March 2010. Second year we take part and last year we were 16 women this year we were 50 women and 9 girls. Please thank God with us for this prayer meeting

Dunes of Blessings
Khoo and Dee
fot us.

News Flash March 2010

Goodday Prayer Warriors

We want to thank you all for your Prayers, it certainly makes a difference for us here in Thailand.

We just ask that you thank the Lord with us for His protection when we had a motorcycle accident 1 March and just got minor injuries. Absolute Miracle
Thank You Jesus!!

Prayer List:
Prayer Group on their way to Thailand
Safety for us on the roads
Sunday School children and lessons
Finansies vir die bediening hier op eiland
Nuwe Christine nie sal terugval nie
Dank God ook saam met ons vir die groei hier op die eiland van die Christen getalle.

Dankie dat u saam met ons bid
Sandduine seen
Cobus en Deirdre

Buddhist Funeral

We have a chance to attend a funeral at the temple, it is a long process take one whole week.

Die liggaam le in die kis vir 5 dae en die naaste familie slaap by die temple. Een van die seuns gaan in "monkhood" in om merits te verdien. Al die besoekers wat "merits" vir die man kom verdien moet voorsien word van kos en drinkgoed.

This is very expencive and they also hire the coffin from the temple. Flowers is sent and people bring offerings to the temple.

Dunes of Blessings
Khoo and Dee

Chinese nuwejaar en Valentyns dag 2010

Sondag 14 Februarie was Chinese nuwejaar en Valentyns dag en ons het met Praise en Worship vvalentynsdag gevier soos elke jaar deur die Christene gedoen word. Family love was the theme this year and we had a barbeque afterwards.

Nuwejaars voornemens hoef hier nie lank te hou nie want een van die dae vier ons Thailand se nuwe jaar. Chinese vier die jaar van die tier.

We have an expo on the island and a few photo's show the food and dancers on the expo. Cobus shoped and bought himself a new gardenscissor.

Snaduine Seen
Cobus en Deirdre