Thursday, April 16, 2009

Thailand Nuwejaar

Die 13 April is nuwejaar in Thailand of Songkram soos dit bekend staan, en ons was bevoorreg om dit op die eiland te kon fier terwyl Bangkok gekook het met politieke onrus.

Alles was baie vreedsaam hier en alles het in goeie gees plaasgevind, maar as jy wou droog bly moes jy tuis bly. Ons het gedrip van die water maar dit was werklik heerlik om al die kinders en mense so opgewek te sien en jou met water wat in groot houers of tuinslange gekom het jou nat te gooi nat as moontlik. Volgens die gebruik bring die water geluk, so ons gaan baie gelukkig wees in hierdie nuwe jaar want ons het gedrip en gedroog en gedrip.

Voertuie het ook met groot dromme op rondgery en almal nat gegooi. Daar was ook optog van orkeste en mooi meisies.
Dus uit Thailand voorspoed vir die nuwejaar en as 1 Januarie nie goed was vir jou nie begin nou oor en jy kan sowaar weer nuwejaars wense aan almal stuur.

By die kerk het hulle dit baie meer ordentlik gedoen en net water oor die hande gegooi, om die nuwejaar se begin te vier.
Ons wens U almal 'n jaar vol van Jesus liefde toe

Sandduine Seën
Cobus en Deirdre
Cobus en Deirdre


While the seasons is changing from wet to hot season in Thailand, we feel an excitement in our hearts for great things to happen in Thailand. A new season of growth and abundance on the island Koh Phangan.

The Thai's had their first easter service on the island. It is a previlage to had a easterweekend I just realise it when we celebrate easter in this buddist land. At 6am ( normal working day for the people) in the morning we gather at the church for prayer and praise.
No easter eggs or hotcross buns but hearts burning for the LORD we gather together.

Someone once said " The Living Water is free.. but installation of the pipes to get the water where it's needed, cost money."
Mininstry in Thailand is expensive, thank you for you already give some finacial support to Thailand Missions and make it possible for the work to be done. God work in amazing ways, every rand is welcome. It is not the size of your bank account but the willingness of your heart to give for the people of Thailand.

Dunes of Blessings
Cobus and Deirdre

Friday, April 3, 2009

News March 2009

Prayermeeting Koh Phangan

On friday 20 March 2009 we have a prayer meeting at Victory chruch and both Victory and Hope pray for the island.

We ask you to pray with us for the healing of the island, the proclaiming of the ground for Jesus and that revival will take place on the island.

We as Christians must be salt and light on the island Matthew 5:13-15. Each person attend the prayer meeting receive a packet of salt and candle to remember them to be salt and light .

Thank you for your prayers for Thailand.
Dunes of Blessings
Cobus and Deirdre